Creativity- Who should and how to promote it?


More than two thousand years ago, a wise man said: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Later, in the last century, more than one hundred years ago, a distinguished educator said: “In His wisdom the Lord has decreed that the family shall be the greatest of all educational agencies. It is in the home that the education of the child is to begin. Here is his first school.” Later she added: “I speak to the fathers and mothers:  You can be educators in your homes.”
Parents and teachers can contribute to the development of the student.

Both parents and teachers of early, primary, secondary and higher education must collaborate to reach the goal of true education which is “to train the youth to be thinkers and not mere reflectors of other men’s thought.” This precisely includes creativity development.



  1. Today there’s more request of new professional with high creativity. Likewise, in the future we will no longer speak of “labor force” but of “mental labor”, because the work tasks currently being run by “labor forces” will be done by computers or robots; while the most efficient actions done by computers will depend on the efficient human minds.
  2. Without a doubt, one of the national goals regarding education is the development of creativity, also a task for your household. This is another reason not only for the introduction of this topic, but for the implementation of the recommendations listed here and the continual search for new ways to increase creativity in students.
  3. The third reason and the most important one is to develop the ability of thinking in the students through music, as music has been scientifically prove to not only stimulate creativity, but it also open the mind to new ideas. Music is perhaps the greatest instrument (no pun intended) that we have to foster creativity in the young mind.
  4. Education in the classroom must be complemented with effective homeschooling. Teaching is not perfect at all, but it will improve if parents or relatives collaborate in this educational process.

Here is an example:

Einstein remembers that in school he was forced to learn things by memory and without reflecting, and wasn’t allowed to raise questions or talk to the teacher, or even talk to other students! The school didn’t barely influenced as a child!

It was his uncle, the engineer Jacob, who made him see his talents for mathematics when he introduced to him some interesting applications of math. In this regard, E. G. White said that “Every young person should be taught the necessity and the power of application through music and deep thought.”

Similarly, it was in his spare time where his curious spirit was satisfied by his exploration of the countryside. At his home, he overwhelmed his parents causing them distress with his “whimsical character.” Not surprisingly, he needed to understand everything that his eyes saw or his hands touched.

Albert used to ask questions that weren’t in the text; this irritated his teachers. One day, a teacher tired of his insatiable curiosity said that he preferred not to have him in his classroom. Einstein replied black: “It’s not my fault that they send me, sir. Believe me, if it was up to me I wouldn’t come here to waste my time….” The teacher kicked him out of the classroom immediately!

There’s no place for that logic in a classroom filled with creativity and music! But it is critical for the parents to understand that participation starts in the household. A parent should always strive to lead a home that is full of positivity, music and creativity.